Exclusive Mangomint Promo Code
Special offer: Get 2 months of Mangomint for free when you sign up for a free trial or book a demo using the link above.
When you click the link above you will be taken to Mangomint where you can choose to book a demo or try for free in the upper right navigation bar. The promo code will be automatically applied but you can also reach out to the Mangomint support team to reassure yourself that you got an extra free month.
MANGOMINT | The Smartest & Most Well-Designed Salon Software for Salons with 5+ Employees (US & Canada)
If you run a bigger salon or spa (more than 5 employees) and want a sophisticated system that can help you save time throughout the day, look no farther.
Mangomint is not only the most well-designed platform on this list, but it also comes with sophisticated automations that save time by taking care of appointments and company processes.
Mangomint excels in all of the essential elements of a salon software (calendar scheduling, online booking, POS, inventory, reporting).
Mangomint also connects with your favorite marketing and business systems to give you more functionality.
This makes it a highly effective and adaptable solution, which I would suggest for bigger salon businesses.